Linear DC Electronic Loads

IT8900G/L High Speed and High Power DC Electronic Load
- Voltage range: 150V, 600V, 1200V with wide-range design.
- Power range: 2kW to 54kW per unit, expandable to 600kW.
- High power density: 6kW in a compact 4U height unit.
- Operating modes: Dynamic mode, OCP/OPP test, auto test, battery test.
- Interfaces: Built-in CAN, LAN, GPIB, USB, RS232, and analog.

IT8900A/E Series Linear Type High Power DC Electronic Load
- Voltage range: 150V, 600V, 1200V for versatile applications.
- Power range: 2kW to 54kW per unit, expandable to 600kW with master-slave paralleling.
- High power density: 6kW in a compact 4U height unit.
- Ultra-wide voltage and current range, controlled by independent master unit.
- Interfaces: Built-in CAN, LAN, GPIB, USB, RS232, and analog.