Regenerative Grid Simulator

IT7900 Regenerative Grid Simulator (2~165kVA…960kVA)
- Max voltage/current/power: 350V/90/15kVA in 3U rack size
- Optical fiber paralleling: No EMI effiection and parallel up to 960kVA
- Support RLC load simulation and Constant Current mode
- AC, DC, AC+DC, and DC+AC Output
- Build-in waveform measurement data collection

IT7900E Regenerative Grid Simulator (21~126kVA…1MVA+)
- Max voltage/current/power: 350V, 105A, 21kVA in 3U rack size
- High power density: go up to 1MVA+ with parralleling
- Support RLC load simulation and Constant Current mode
- AC, DC, AC+DC, and DC+AC Output
- Build-in waveform measurement data collection

IT7900HV Series High Voltage Regenerative Grid Simulator
- Max voltage/current/power: 700V, 90A, 90kVA in 27U rack size
- High power density: go up to 900 kVA with parralleling
- High voltage up to 700 VL-N,1050 VL-N
- AC, DC, AC+DC, and DC+AC Output
- Build-in waveform measurement data collection