Regenerative DC Power System
(Bidirectional DC Power Supply + Regenerative DC Load in One)
Bidirectional DC Power supply can used for sourcing and sinking the power from the UUT. Regenreative DC Electronic Load can be used for opertating in different mode (CC/CV/CP/CR/CC+CV/CV+CR/CR+CC/CC+CV+CP+CR) and regenerate the power back to the grid system.
Regenerative Power System combine both Bidirectional DC power supply and Regenerative DC Electronic Load into one system with two buttons to switching between two different products that provide the best cost effective solution and flexibility for who may need apply two different function based on testing scenario and cases. .

IT6000B series Regenerative DC Power System
- Max voltage/current/power: 2250V, 2040A, ±18kw
- High power density: 18kW in 3U, expandable up to 2MW parallelling
- 2 in 1 device integrating bidirectional DC power supply and regen electronics load
- Optical Fiber cables without EMI effection.

IT-M3600 series Regenerative DC Power System
- Max voltage/current/power: 600V, ±12A, ±800W
- High efficient power regneration with compact size in1U Half rack
- Combine bidiretional DC power supply and regen DC load in One
- High-speed measurement, keep 10 times / s update rate with high precision

IT-M3900B series Regenerative DC Power System
- Max voltage/current/power: 1500V, ±510A, ±6kW
- 1U Half rack, best for low-power power module testing
- Suitable for Low Voltage High current applications
- Combine bidiretional DC power supply and regen DC load in One