Multi-Channel Programmable DC Power Supplies

IT2700 Multi-channel Modular Power System (1U 8 channels, 200W and 500W)
- Max voltage/current/power: 150V, ±30A, ±500W
- Compact size: 1U rack, outputs up to 8 channels
- Multi-channel with different combination with DC power supply, bidirectional DC power supply and regen DC load
- Isolation in each channel with high accuracy

IT-N6300 Triple-Channel DC Power Supply
- Max voltage/current/power: 60V, 10A, 200W in CHI & CH2, 2U half-rack size
- 3 channels in one unit. Independent control of multi- channels, capable of multiple outputs
- High Accuracy: ≤0.02% + 3 mV / ≤0.03% + 1.5 mA
- Low ripple, CC/CV priority modes, and FOLDBACK protection

IT-M3100D series Dual-Channel Programable DC Power Supply
- Max voltage/current/power: 600V, ±100A, ±850W in 1U half-rack
- 2 channels in one unit. Independent control of multi- channels, up to 16 channels, max.256 channels
- Adjustable rising/falling speed of output current, up to 10 times/sec
- High power with wide range of power

IT6300 Series Triple Channels DC Power Supply
- Max voltage/current/power: 60V, ±3A, ±180W
- Triple channel in one unit. Display voltage and current measurements continuously from all three outputs
- Compact size: 2U half-rack
- High resolution (1mV/1mA) and remote sense for accurate testing.

IT-M3100 Series Ultra-Compact Wide Range DC Power Supply
- Max voltage/current/power: 600V, ±100A, ±850W in 1U half-rack
- Independent control of multi- channels, up to 16 channels, max.256 channels
- Adjustable rising/falling speed of output current, up to 10 times/sec
- High power with wide range of power